Logo for a premium product, High-End Custom gaming computer from Joule Performance.
In this project, I go over all of the stages involved in making this logo.
This logo was meant to depict a high-end PC, similar to a sports car in the gaming business,
and that's the approach I followed with it.
Also, because this is a Swiss company and this is their top-of-the-line product, they wanted something to reflect that, like a peak, a mountain peak, a peak of engineering,
a peak of computing, and yes, Alps have peaks.

The sketching step is first and primary; any concepts that come to me are drawn, based on the principles that should characterize this logo; I may deem certain ideas poor from the start,
but creating them helps get them out of my mind and make room for new ones.
I sometimes get new ideas while drawing based on the one I'm working on.

Based on the ideas of the previous stage, I move to make them in Illustrator; only a few ideas make it to this level. These ideas are shared as concepts so that we can select the most
appropriate one and begin iterating.

This stage involves going through all of the possible options until we find the most effective one; in this case, it took eight iterations to get to the final; each iteration provides visual insights
into what works and what does not work.

Thanks taking time to watch this project, if you want to see more take a look at my profile.

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High-End PC Logo


High-End PC Logo

Logo for a High-End Gaming PC from a Swiss company Joule Performance.
